Create Vendor or Subcontractor Registration

Register to become an NREL vendor or subcontractor by completing the form below.

Learn more about NREL’s commitment to small businesses. If you've already registered and need to update your information, or if you have any questions, please contact:

Randy Fransua

Socio-Economic Program and Development Manager

Business Information


Contact Information


NAICS Designation

Either type your numeric North American Industry Classification System NAICS code(s) into the appropriate box(es). If you have more than three NAICS codes, please stipulate in the "Comments" box below.

Enter 1 to 10 keywords (a keyword is a word, not a sentence) separated by commas.

Your personal information will only be used to register as an NREL vendor or subcontractor. NREL will not share this information, and it will be retained unless you request it to be removed. For more information, please review the NREL security and privacy policy.